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Hello to all the participants of the Biblical Meditation contest ofSstanding4ChristIinternational (S4CI) having ended onOctober 8, 2022.


The S4CI team would like to thank all the participants for their interest in deepening their biblical knowledge,  and to announce that:


The three (3) winners will be officially announced, in a special program planned for this purpose, on Sunday, October 16, 2022, on Zoom from 7:30 p.m.


Also, we would like to ask for your feedback in the form of testimonials, to express your impression of the activity as well as the benefits of the latter in your spiritual life.


Please send us your returnno later than Wednesday, October 12, 2022on our, to make it easier for us.


NB. Some of these testimonials will be published on our website.



The S4CI competition team

For your Bible questions, you can post them in the  S4CI forum

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Bible Meditation Contest with Standing 4 Christ International

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  6475 W. Oakland Park Blvd, unit 203
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"A little science takes away from God, a lot brings back"

                                                                                                        Louis Pasteur

We would like you to revisit our site soon
1st Apologetic Conference

Evolution or Creation, which better explains the origin of humanity?

Speaker: Dr Lesly Jules, Christian Apologète.

December 2019

© 2023 by Standing 4 Christ Ministry

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