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Enfants lisant la Sainte Bible

240 Days (8 months)

  • Reading Challenge for YOUTH (12-22 years old), click HERE

  • Bible reading for ADULTES (23 years old and more)

  • COMMITMENT to read, click HERE

  • CALENDAR of reading (From 1 January 2023), click HERE​


  • CALENDAR of reading (At will), click HERE​

  • Reading ASSESSMENT, click HERE


  • Reading TOOLS, click HERE

Blessed is the man who does not follow the counsel of the wicked, who does not stand in the way of sinners, and sit not with scoffers, but who finds pleasure in the law of the Lord and ponders it. day and night ! It looks like a tree planted near a stream: it gives its fruit in its season, and its foliage does not wither. Everything he does is successful.

Psalm 1: 1-3, KJV21

Context of the program

Studies by psychologists related to the development of good habits reveal the following:


To develop good habits, you need to:


1) Choose a substitute for your bad habit;

2) Surround yourself with people who model your future;
3) Visualize your success.


Indeed, growing in faith in Jesus Christ can be an illusion if we think we are doing it without His word. A grown and mature Christian is the product of a life led by the inspired Word of God. However, it is in the Word that we learn to please God, to pray, to lead a holy and blameless life before God. Thus, Jesus said in His priestly prayer in John 17:17 "Sanctify them through your truth: your Word is truth". He insinuates that sanctification is a process provided by the word of God alone. Hence, the common thread of this program. We want to encourage those who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ to lead a Christ-centered life. It is a program in three consecutive levels which is intended to be an effective tool to equip its participants.


This first level of “ Read the Bible with Standing 4 Christ International ” will allow you to read the entire New Testament. It is an intelligible reading, that is to say, perceived by the intelligence. In doing so, you will have the opportunity to:

- Discover each book that composes it;
- Highlight the verses that interest you;
- Memorize the verses and passages of your choice (see resources: verses to memorize).
- Select difficult verses for your personal research (see resources: 5 minutes in the Bible with John Mary Saint Paulin)

Here is the shot we offer

The New Testament contains only two hundred and sixty (260) chapters and can be read all at once, from Matthew to Revelation. Therefore, to start reading on January 1, 2020, please consult the calendar designed for this. Otherwise, to start at a later date, click here.

Here are the rules for participation:

a) Sign the reading pledge with Standing 4 Christ International;

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

b) Each book read ends with a time for review and evaluation (multiple choice quiz), which will allow you to measure what has been retained and to appreciate your reading efforts. Click on questionnaire


To access other resources on each book read, click Resources

Some tips to stay faithful in the daily reading of the Bible

  • First of all, you have to make a commitment to read. Serious people respect their commitment and sacrifice themselves to stay true to it.


  • Second, make Bible reading your daily priority: read early in the morning before you leave home, use your free time to read.


  • Third, get together with another person or people to read the Bible.


  • And finally, read the Bible during your regular prayer times.

We hope you find these tips very helpful.


For your comments, questions and suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the management team via

1st Apologetic Conference

Evolution or Creation, which better explains the origin of humanity?

Speaker: Dr Lesly Jules, Christian Apologète.

December 2019

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"A little science takes away from God, a lot brings back"

                                                                                                        Louis Pasteur

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