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A space that equips you
to share and defend your faith
The management team



Mauley COLAS

Mauley COLAS




General Secrétary



Programs Director



Programs Coordinator












Technical & technological consultant

President's Profile

Jean Mary SAINT PAULIN is the fourth child of a family of 7 boys. Born of Pierre Gabriel Saint Paulin and Rosemène Borgella on July 14, 1978 in Haiti, he grew up under their benevolent gaze until the age of 31, before moving to the USA to find his wife Nadège.


At the age of 16, in 1995, he converted to Jesus under the ministry of the Hawkers of the Last Message, through Harry Nicolas Belfort, one of the group's leaders at the time. Since then, under the guidance of the latter, he has become a member of the Mother Church of the New Jerusalem Mission.


Jean Mary did his primary, secondary and part of his university studies in Haiti until 2009 before leaving the country for good.


In the year 2004, he married Nadège Jean Louis and they just celebrated their 12 years of marriage on December 23, 2016.


Through the Colporteurs group, his passion for the Bible had reached a climax, and his knowledge of the Holy Scriptures has continued to develop to this day through his theological studies and the teaching of several other ministries.


Here is a table summarizing his socio-intellectual and ministerial life: Click on his Curriculum Vitae


Vice-president profile

Mauley COLAS was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in 1981. The gospel of Jesus Christ transformed his heart in 1996 during a prayer campaign at the Evangelical Armée du Christ church in Ruelle Sylvia et Souchet, his native quarter.
He did his university studies at the State University of Haiti (UEH) and at the University of the Antilles and Guyana (UAG). He holds a bachelor's degree in Anthropology / Sociology (2006), a bachelor's degree in Teaching French (2006) and a master's degree in Development Sciences (2011) at the UEH and another master's degree in Language, Civilization and Communication at the UAG ( 2007). In addition, he has a Diploma in Theology from the Emmaus Bible School.
Mauley Colas has a passion for research both in the field of social sciences and in the field of theology. His research focuses on the anthropology of humanitarian, legal and archeology and the Bible. While it is true that the Bible is a spiritual book in the sense that God is its main author, it is important to stress that God enters human history to write it through men whom he has chosen in different cultural and geographical contexts while also using their own literary genres.
In addition, Mr. Colas has a teaching career. He has taught Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Notre-Dame d'Haïti (UNDH) and at the State University of Haiti (UEH); French and Methodology at the University of Concorde and at the University Center of Management and Productivity (CMP). He has also participated in academic research activities with Tulane University, GRIPAL of the University of Quebec of Montreal and the State University of Haiti. Among his publications, we can cite: Humanitarian action, marginalization and social change in Haiti (European University Publishing, 2015); Non-compliance of Haitians with institutional justice, in Revue Chantiers, vol.1, no. 2 (Editions of the State University of Haiti, 2015).

Profile of the Secretary General

Rosemond SAINT-PAULIN comes from a blessed family made up of 7 brothers of which he occupies the sixth rank. He was born on January 8, under the regime of Duvalier fils, in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, from a loving mother Rosemère Borgella and a responsible father Pierre Gabriel Saint Paulin. After the passage of the unfortunate earthquake of 2010 in Haiti, he became the youngest among his brothers.
In the year 1995, he met the Lord who, according to His Word, deeply transmuted his existence and endowed him with a just, rational and realistic conception of life. He is married to Sarah TOYO, a rare pearl, as described in the book of Proverbs in chapter 31, since January 06, 2017.
Rosemond did his graduate and university studies in Haiti and elsewhere, face to face and, also, by correspondence. He holds a Master I degree in Computer Science (2007) at the École Supérieures d'Infotronique d'Haïti (ESIH), a Master II degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications Research (2011) at the University Paul Sabatier (University Toulouse III), a Master II degree in Information and Communication Systems Architecture (2012) at Toulouse I Capitole University, a degree in Java (2013) at Penn Foster. Recently, he obtained a diploma in Analysis of Information Security in Systems (2016), at HEC Montreal. In addition, he had a biblical and theological training at the Emmaus Bible School.
He was a professor, from 2006 to 2010, in several higher establishments and universities in Haiti, in particular: École Supérieure d'Infotronique d'Haïti (ESIH), Université de la Grâce (UG), University of the Aristide Foundation (UniFA) and at the Finance, IT and Management Research Center (CREFIMA).
Passionate about research and biblical and theological debates, teaching has become his strong point and his center of interest, especially with regard to the Word of God. He believes in biblical inerrancy and, consequently, the Bible constitutes his basis of faith. Over time, he developed and nurtured a healthy culture based on the importance of the human being, with the concern to help his brothers and sisters in the faith thanks to his active involvement, within the Haitian ecclesial community, locally and elsewhere. Even today, his interest in the study of the Bible, the ultimate revelation of God to humanity, continues to grow on a daily basis. Paradoxically, he believes in scientific advances denoting a relative truth that does not aim to define who we are, but rather confirms through his research who we are (Psalms 139: 14).

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